Case Studies

LNWA’s “No-Brainer” Cloud Journey with ComportSecure’s IaaS Platform

Serving people of all income levels with their housing needs is at the core of what LNWA is all about. But the mission-minded company faced a challenge many companies deal with today. That is, doing more with less. With a limited IT staff and budget, CTO Jeff Stang, needed an affordable solution that could enable LNWA’s migration to the cloud (such Infrastructure as a Service).

“Comport is special. It’s one of those companies that come around only once in awhile.” Jeff Stang, CTO LNWA

The Challenges

“We were having some latency and data center issues,” says Stang. “But the driving force behind LNWA’s transition to the cloud was money.  We needed to reduce the overall operating costs of our infrastructure.”

“We were also looking for a reliable provider that can help us through challenges in IT. With the current provider it felt like we had no one to call. Just an email and a ticket system.“

Moving to Vegas – IaaS that is!

After evaluating multiple IT solution providers, LNWA turned to Comport, an award-winning IT Solution Provider with a 30+ year track record in enterprise computing. After listening and discussing LNWA’s business goals and concerns, Comport felt they could develop a customized solution that would address LNWA’s data center and latency issues, and also reduce operating costs.

LNWA then worked with ComportSecure, Comport’s cloud services division, to move their data center to a hosted model in their tier 5 data center in Las Vegas.

The Solution

When Comport introduced LNWA to its Infrastructure-as-a-Service, Stang called it “A no-brainer!” That’s because Comport’s IaaS Platform frees IT staff from routine tasks, can scale quickly and provides defined SLA’s for reliable operations and improved agility. Financial predictability is also a big advantage; this model provides a pay-as-you-go monthly subscription that stretches the budget by eliminating large up-front IT capital expenditures.

Stang says, “It was fantastic. When you can move something from one solution to another and reduce costs, that’s easy to get approved. Comport crunched the numbers and got us a better deal.”

LNWA no longer ties up cash with major upfront expenses to purchase and implement equipment that they would actually need down the road in several years. ComportSecure’s IAAS frees up financial resources for other strategic projects and enables remote work from anywhere.

The Results

The results of LNWA’s transition to the cloud speak for themselves. The company achieved a 50% reduction in infrastructure costs. In fact, Stang says, “The project and solution met our expectations – and then some!”

Not only is LNWA saving money and has become more efficient, but it also gained an technology solutions partner that can advise and help them well into the future.

Stang is pleased with the changes. “Before I didn’t even know who to contact to get things done. I had to create a ticket, send emails, make calls, and never really knew what to do next. Time is money. What Comport brings to the table is fantastic. They have a great team and company, and it’s nice to know I have the same contacts I can always reach out to, not a different rep every month. Their team is so responsive it’s incredible.”

“We wanted to spin up a new server, and the communication was so good that before I could even cut the PO, the server was up and operational.”

Stang says IT is consistently evolving and new projects are always on the horizon. Based on the results of this project, he knows LNWA is in good hands moving forward. “Comport is special, says Stang. “I recommend them all the time. It’s one of those companies that come around only once in awhile.”

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