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Ebook: Solving the Challenges of Wireless Networks in Healthcare

Powerful, effective wireless networks are essential for today’s healthcare organizations. In any hospital environment today, an endless stream of Wi-Fi devices—everything from nursing station laptops and patient monitors to temperature gauges and HVAC controls—are humming along, delivering critical patient care and keeping the facilities running. How do you know if your wireless infrastructure is up to task? In this ebook we look at 5 questions to consider for the future of your wireless healthcare:

  • Can your network operate reliably within your building?
  • Can your network handle the various devices in use today and grow for those expected tomorrow?
  • Can your network provide continuous connectivity from one AP to the next?
  • Can your network handle the data deluge, including new videos that are coming in?
  • Can your network keep patient health information (PHI) secure?

If you didn’t answer yes to all of the questions above, this ebook can help you with strategies and questions to ask for improvements in your wireless healthcare.

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