The purpose of this document is to define the service deliverables and terms and conditions associated with ComportSecure service delivery part number: CS-SA-TM-HR. See SERVICE LIMITATIONS, EXCLUSIONS AND OTHER CLARIFICATIONS section for more detail relating to how time is invoiced against the Spending Authority.


Service Overview

The Staff Augmentation Time & Materials Consulting Service is designed for Customers who need system administrative and consulting staff augmentation. These services provide additional hours on a time and materials basis to be used in performing basic and advanced system administration tasks, troubleshooting, and consulting services and are available in varying quantities.

All work performed against the block of hours are at the direction of Customer personnel. There are no specific deliverables or SLA associated with the services.

Service Deliverables

  • Staff Augmentation – Provides staff augmentation for deliverables such as basic and advanced system administrative tasks, troubleshooting, and consulting services invoiced on a time and materials basis

The Customer must meet the following hardware and software prerequisites for staff augmentation tasks:

  • The equipment associated with the services delivery (both hardware and software) must be under a valid OEM support contract for the duration of the services engagement.


The services provided are delivered against a pre-authorized spending limit (“Spending Authority”). The Spending Authority is not a guarantee that COMPORTSECURE can complete all services within the approved spending cap. The Customer agrees to issue a purchase order in the amount of this Spending Authority to enable COMPORTSECURE to begin performing services. Only actual utilization will be invoiced; unused time will not be invoiced. If COMPORTSECURE estimates that more time or resources are needed to complete the project, the parties will negotiate a mutually acceptable Change Order or COMPORTSECURE will stop work when the Spending Authority is exhausted. COMPORTSECURE will not provide SERVICES or invoice the Customer beyond the Spending Authority unless COMPORTSECURE receives additional authorization from the Customer. Invoices for services and expenses will be sent monthly. The Customer agrees to pay, without offset, all invoiced amounts within thirty (30) days of COMPORTSECURE’s invoice date.

    • COMPORTSECURE typically requires a minimum of 3-days’ notice for services requested pursuant to this agreement and will make every effort to accommodate such requests. However, no specific response time commitment is made or implied.
        Time will be invoiced against the Spending Authority as follows:

      • 4-hr minimum per day for all on-site services. Work to be invoiced in 1-hr increments for each hour (or part thereof) for all work beyond the 4-hr minimum.
      • No minimum for remote services. Work to be invoiced against the Spending Authority in 1-hr increments for each hour (or part thereof).
      • 1.5x the standard rate will be invoiced for each hour (or part thereof) of work performed outside normal business hours (normal business hours shall be defined as Monday-Friday, 8am-5pm local time, excluding COMPORTSECURE designated holidays).
      • .75-hr the standard rate will be invoiced for each hour of COMPORTSECURE provided project management if requested by the customer.
      • If immediate response is requested (inside of the 3-day notice) and COMPORTSECURE can accommodate the request, 1.5x-hr increments for each hour (or part thereof) of work performed regardless of inside or outside of normal business hours will be charged.
    • COMPORTSECURE reserves the right to modify the terms and/or deliverables associated with this service. In all cases, the most recent service description shall apply to any new or unused hours.


Pricing Pricing

for the services described in this Service description are provided under separate cover as an official COMPORTSECURE quotation referencing the associated COMPORTSECURE Part Number identified above.
This is a time and materials based service.
Payment terms are net 30 from invoice date.

Terms and Conditions

The services described within this Service Description are provided subject to the following terms:

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