Webinar: Think Differently. Tame the Medical Image Beast

Friday, May 17th
11:00 – 11:45 a.m. EST

Join us for a deep dive into the industry-wide pain point of medical image/object storage. Our speakers —Michael Feld, Interim CTO of Temple University Healthcare System and David Miller, Chief Technology Officer, Baystate Health – will discuss the deployment of Scality RING and the remarkable results that were realized for this world-class healthcare organization.

Meet Our Speakers

Michael Feld
Interim CTO for Temple Health System

As interim CTO for Temple University Health System and Executive Consultant to Baystate Health and Lancaster General Health System, Mike has been central to the roll-out of modern, foundational technologies such as hyper-converged architecture, desktop virtualization, advanced storage, and the networking infrastructure needed to support EMR deployment.

David Miller
Chief Technology Officer, Baystate Health

Dave Miller has been with Baystate Health, one of New England’s premier health systems, for more than three decades. He currently serves as Chief Technology Officer, having overseen the digital transformation and implementation of a hyperconverged architecture over the past four years.

Taming the Medical Image Beast: Modernizing PACS

Hospitals are filling up fast…With Images and that’s a problem for today’s CIO. They come from more sources and higher resolutions, in increasing volumes and higher complexity. With mergers come even more images. The mass is increasing and spreading out. We keep them longer and longer, this beast has no bounds.

View our two-minute animated video presentation to learn how Scality RING can help “Tame the Medical Image Beast.”

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