5 Characteristics of a Good Infrastructure Management Tool
The most powerful IT hardware on earth needs powerful infrastructure management tools to go with it. Servers like the HPE Hyper Converged 380 contain the most powerful Intel® Xeon® processors, plus up to 1536 GB of RAM and over 25 TB of memory—yet without robust infrastructure management tools, they’re simply bare metal.

Good infrastructure management tools act as a force multiplier—they magnify and focus the power of the resources they control. When used correctly, your infrastructure will be easier to manage, deploy and make changes allowing your business to benefit. Here are five ways that a good infrastructure management tool can make your life easier.
- Deploy Infrastructure Faster
With the server refresh cycle decreasing from five years to three years, it’s likely that you’re going to deploy and configure new infrastructure more often than you did in the past. Companies need to prevent downtime and application underperformance during maintenance and infrastructure upgrades. Infrastructure management tools help you find out the exact requirements for an application and provision it correctly, saving time on installation and configuration.
- Simplify Operations
Legacy hardware and applications create unnecessary complexities—and 90% of companies say that this stifles their growth. A good management solution should identify the redundancies and points of failure created by legacy systems—and then allow administrators to take them out of the loop, simplifying the data center.
- Increase Productivity
At least 58% of employees report that slow application performance hurts their productivity at least once a week. A management solution that exposes and remedies under-resourced applications or over-capacity networks can lift the productivity of an entire company—allowing your customers to be better-served.
- Allow for Seamless Integration
In a complicated technology environment, simple changes can have unwelcome ramifications. For example, you don’t want to cause issues in your infrastructure because you applied a security patch that had unintended consequences. For this, you need a tool that operates holistically—one that can “see” your entire data center and anticipate how its interlocking systems affect one another.
- A Dashboard for Your Entire Infrastructure
A good IT infrastructure management solution allows administrators to manage their entire data center with a single screen. Here’s an example, HPE OneView, that enables companies to manage their server, storage, and network from the same starting point.
An Easier Way to Manage Infrastructure
No matter what tool you choose, make sure that it conforms with the points above. In order to unlock the power of OneView, or other infrastructure management solutions, you’ll need a partner that knows HPE like the back of their hand. That partner is Comport, a Hewlett Packard Enterprise Platinum Partner and Gold Cloud Builder Specialist. Partner with an expert cloud builder to get help managing your infrastructure—contact Comport today.