Back to Work: How Aruba Contact Tracing Technology Helps Keep Employees Safe
As of July, 2020, there were approximately 4.2 million cases of COVID-19 in the US Alone. We still have a long way to go in terms of containing this critical illness, which impacts the tricky balance between “back to work” and staying safe. Customers of Aruba Networks have two options to explore that may be a good fit: contact tracing and contactless visitor management.

Contact tracing is one of the most important considerations when planning returns to the office, campus, store or other place of employment. In general, it’s the process of identifying who has come into contact with a person who tested positive for COVID, so they can then isolate for the contraction period.
Aruba’s wireless location-based contact tracing may help organizations safely re-open their facilities as the pandemic drags on. Asking the following questions may be helpful in your planning process:
- Can you comply with the CDC recommendation of 6 feet of physical spacing between employees? What will be changed to comply?
- How do people move through and gather throughout your workspace? How can you create a safer way to do so with social distancing?
- Do you want to create notifications when social distancing guidelines are not followed? Is there a way to direct employees to a less crowded place?
- How quickly do you need to notify employees that they have been in contact with someone who reported that they were infected with COVID?
- Can your employees carry their phones with them so they can run a contact tracing mobile app? Would it be appropriate for them wear a Bluetooth beacon or tag?
Using Technology to Adjust to the Brave New World
Aruba recently indicated that it will release a brand new set of Aruba contact tracing and location identification tools for its customers. These solutions make use of both Wi-Fi and Bluetooth networks to support contact tracing, offering contactless temperature checks of both individuals and groups simultaneously, and can track employees wirelessly. These can be customized to your needs.
Powered by artificial intelligence, these solutions are specifically designed to make it easier and safer for employees to head back to the workplace. Aruba’s contact tracing offering, for example, is designed to allow organizations to quickly identify not only employees but also visitors and customers who may have come into contact with anyone who has health issues similar to those caused by COVID-19. At that point, this person can be isolated so that they don’t infect anyone else – and the workplace itself can remain as safe as possible.
Aruba is also in the process of releasing a contactless visitor management system to support the need for social distancing, while allowing business to carry on. It supports not only pre-registration before someone enters a business but also automated host notification. It can auto-generate Wi-Fi credentials and more – all without human interaction.
Aruba is known for innovative solutions. Facilitating a “new normal” keeps our organizations, economy, and personal health in balance. To learn more, view our Wireless Network services or contact Comport’s specialists about technologies that help organizations create productive, safe in-office and work-from-home solutions. We can also put you in touch with Aruba experts as your plans develop.