Take Charge of Your Cybersecurity Strategy with these Healthcare IT Solutions
As if we all don’t have enough on our plates during a pandemic, cybercriminals use situations such as natural disasters, unforeseen events and emergencies as opportunities to strike while everyone’s attention is focused elsewhere.
The World Health Organization (WHO) stated cybersecurity threats against them and their partners have increased two-fold since COVID-19 hit the U.S. This news came to light shortly after the WHO was targeted with a malicious site that mimicked their email login portal in an attempt to gain employee passwords. Fortunately, hackers were unsuccessful.

Nevertheless, this trend has trickled worldwide with several healthcare organizations reporting they’ve been the victims of cyberattacks in recent weeks. Cybersecurity attacks often involve gaining entry to IT systems, harvesting sensitive information, or setting up scams for in-demand commodities.
Healthcare data includes sensitive information such as full names, addresses, financial information and social security numbers, making medical records an attractive target for criminals.
As cybercriminals become savvier in their methods of accessing IT systems, it’s necessary to evolve our thinking around healthcare IT solutions and cybersecurity strategies.
Cloud-based IT environments magnify the importance of having cybersecurity strategies in place. If it wasn’t a hot item on your to-do list before COVID-19, it certainly should be now. A cybersecurity strategy means implementing solutions tailored to your business to ensure redundancy in files. These solutions can include:
- Backup as a Service (BaaS) – This automates the routine task of backing up your data to regularly and reliably store an extra copy of information in case you need to recover it. BaaS brings IT leaders peace of mind because data is routinely backed up without hands-on management. We offer a free 15-day BaaS trial as an introduction to how seamless BaaS can be for your business.
- Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS) – Should a disaster strike and your IT center goes down, DRaaS reestablishes access to critical data, systems, and applications. DRaaS is different from BaaS. It’s beneficial to have a strategy that utilizes both of these services to create a secure plan. As a disaster recovery service provider, ComportSecure has developed this free DRaaS assessment to help organizations determine the risk and data loss potential of their current IT setup.
- Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) – IaaS allows fast scalability without the need to maintain hardware or data center security. With the ability to grow services and solutions on-demand, IaaS allows IT teams to act quickly and adapt their security strategy as needed.
These as-a-service offerings help safeguard data, ensure recovery capabilities and manage existing infrastructure. As chief information officers, chief medical officers and IT leaders work through this new normal during and post-COVID-19, we are certain the approach to cybersecurity and healthcare IT solutions will be redefined. The need for a tailored combination of services and solutions will become more apparent as each organization faces different data protection goals.
This is where ComportSecure’s team of experts can help weigh the options and guide IT teams toward the best decisions for their IT environment. See how we can help establish your cybersecurity strategy by requesting a consultation.
Bill Flatley, Field CTO for Healthcare
Bill is responsible for technical strategies and recommendations for Comport’s Healthcare clients. His extensive experience includes four healthcare systems in leadership roles supporting Clinical Applications, Digital Health, and Office of the CIO as the primary liaison between IT and the business.